Finland Antigravity Experiment Replicated

From: Troy Dawson (
Newsgroups: sci.physics.research
Subject: Tampere Replication -- How to
Date: Saturday, January 11, 1997 5:34 AM

[Moderator's Note: as directed by the author, please follow up by e-mail until this experiment is made public. The author of the article has informed me that his intent was primarily to make it known how easily reproduced this experiment is, presumably in the hope of wide spread replication. Hopefully papers describing these replication attempts will be forthcoming for our future discussion. -WGA]

A researcher in Ohio has attempted to replicate Podkletnov's gravity modification superconductor results.

The Setup

1) 1" YBCO superconducting disc.

2) Magnetic field generator (producing a 600 gauss/60Hz EM field).

3) Pan-and-beam balance:

Beam: bamboo, coming to a point on one end (24.6cm long, weight 1.8647g)

Pan: a cardboard rectangle (15.8cm x 10.0cm x 0.131mm) is suspended from the balance with 28.1cm of cotton string.

A polystyrene "pan" (7.2cm x 8.7cm x 1.78 mm) is attached with paper masking tape to the cardboard rectangle.

The pan assembly (w/ string, cardboard, tape) weighs 1.6502g.

The balance is suspended from the end of a 5' wood beam by ~30cm of monofilament fishing line (8lb. test) attached to the balance's center of mass (5.5cm from the pan end).

The other end of the crossbeam is firmly anchored by a heavy steel tripod (normally used for holding photographic lights).

4) Thermal and EM isolation is hopefully provided by a glass plate (15cm x 30cm, 0.7cm thick) with a brass screen attachment.

This plate-and-brass-screen assembly is held about ~4.5cm below the pan by a '3-finger' ring stand clamp.

5) A straightsided, 6" diameter, 10" deep dewar with 3 - 4" of liquid nitrogen is used to cool the sc below its Tc, and is removed from the experiment area before the trial.

Experiment Procedure

1) The YBCO superconductor is placed in a liquid nitrogen bath and allowed to come to liq N temp (as indicated when the boiling of the liq N ceases). The sc will remain below its 90C Tc for the duration of the trial (less than 20sec).

2) The disc is then removed from the bath & placed on a strong NdFeB magnet to induce a supercurrent. The Meissner effect is counteracted by a wooden stick. The sc disc has a cotton string attached to it to assist handling.

3) The HTSC and wooden stick assembly is placed on the EM field generator, about 33cm below the glass/screen isolation plate.

The HTSC is ~40cm *directly* below the pan.

4) The AC field generator is then cycled for ~ 5sec with 0.75sec equal-time on/off pulses.

Experiment Findings Experimenter's Comments ==

Please direct questions & comments to e-mail, as further discussion on s.p.r seems unwarranted as of yet.

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